Tuesday, 26 April 2011

An Introduction to the game industry.

The 'Interactive Entertainment' Industry has grown leaps and bounds since it became mainstream business during the mid 70's. Generating billions of dollars of revenue each year, competing effectively with the film and television industry.

As the industry has developed, so have its options for employability. From bedroom coding, there are now a vast array of job titles, ranging from publisher, to artist, to coder and distributor. According to Ben Sawyer of Digitalmill these jobs follow a chain of value. Distributors at the top, decreasing to artist, development tools, publishing, hardware and the consumer. Thankfully our job aspirations are highly regarded offering us a large amount of support and employment opportunities. The more the industry continues to grow, the higher the demand of our unique skillset.

In the current economic climate the videogame industry is under immense financial strain, attempting to fairly balance its talent whilst still turning a profit. Game developers are constantly being integrated into larger developing houses in order to accomodate the market. This thankfully has lead to the birth of indie game development. Where in the modern world it may be difficult to achieve employment with a preferred company, there is always a promising opportunity that you can find success on your own, if your ideas and execution are good enough.

Ultimately the interactive entertainment industry is always changing, jobs are shifting and consumer needs are evolving, which is why its such an exciting environment to be working in.

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