Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Creativity. A term open to so much interpretation, can not be described easily in simple text. It is a manner of all works; science, art, sport, literature and drama. Creativity can be considered to be a natural human ability but focused differently to each individual. Is an artist who creates fantasy creatures any different from a mechanical engineer who builds the latest sports car? Creativity can be applied throughout so many walks of human activity, it is a power that can be manifested
through interest or talent. In this modern world, technology (the product of creativity) continues to improve our creation processes. An example of this would be a new digital software package creating an illusion that creativity is enhanced yet in reality it only increases its supporting factors. Acessibilty to simple tools and digital interfaces create the same results as traditional methods but it increases the speed of which creativity can flourish. Yet if constraints were implicated on
a creative process, such as limited materials, a humans creative instinct would be to find a replacement or work creatively to solve the problem. No matter how creativity is applied, it is always a consisitent presence.

Another question that is raised regarding the form of creativity, is who utilises it? Is it only present amongst the ranks? are more people more creative than others? who's creative during the game development process? People are persistent in taming the ability of creation and controlling it, to form a heirarchy of power. Can somebody be more creative than someone else? The beauty of creativity is that it can be conceived to be present in everyone yet focused into different activities.
I believe ranks appear not over how creative someone is, but how focused, determined and hardworking an individual is in whatever profession they take. This relates back to the issue of what it takes to create, is it a natural ability or is it hardwork? Yet another quesiton without and answer.

Creativity in my eyes, is the blood, sweat and tears thrown into an idea. Everyone can have that spark which initiates the first wave of creativity, but to truly fulfill its purpose, the hardwork of the individual is neccesarry to develop the idea into an existing entity of a high quality. The more work involved, the better the end result.

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