Horror can conveyed through a number of manners, sound, light, texture, spacing and story. All of which are currently being explored in our second term group projects. Drawing influence from a variety of sources, computergames, film and photographic references we have been devising our own interpretation of the horror genre. Considering we have to design and construct an entire environment which will be playable by the character we have to focus largely on ergonomic effectiveness, how the level will play and appear interesting to the player. We consulted and reffered to a games developer handbook developed by valve and adapted their method of blocking out the level to witness how well the protagonist interacts with his surroundings. We Initially sketched out a number of different blueprint designs to experiment with flow and shape, to see which worked best for the horror genre.
Once we had considered all variable and possibilites, deciding upon the most appropraite design idea, we began finalising more detailed and interesting scenes in an isometric view to develop a stronger and more revealing idea.
The process has been an strong insight into how development processes are tackled, and the group timetable has pushed me as an artist, working to deadlines much more efficiently so I do not disappoint my team or tutors.
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